To take advantage of our free English test, please follow a step-by-step instruction below.

  1. Go to
  2. Complete all the fields to create your own account.
  3. In the Group Code field at the bottom, enter UBSSFreetest. Click Submit.
  4. If you have successfully signed up, you will see the All Courses page, locate the UBSS English Proficiency Test unit (as shown) and click on it.
  5. Next, click Login (at the top right corner) and enter your login credentials. Alternatively, you can go to and login.
  6. The test should now be available to you. Read the test instruction carefully before starting your test.

Remember to set aside approximately 45 minutes for your test. Once you finish the test, we encourage you to email us at to schedule your Oral test with our native Teacher. This will enable us to provide you with a comprehensive assessment of your English skills.

Good luck!